Supporting others
It all begins with an idea. It might be simply helping a person by holding the door open. Or it might be donating a meal to the care behind you in the drive thru. There are so many ways to help and support our communities and the world at large. We give to many missions monthly. These giving’s help locally, state wide, and across the sea. We support a local agency in Gallatin County with supplies and clothes for those who do not have much. Native American missions with education and giving in the reservations along side of learning about our Lord. We help across the sea with education both academic and Christian, as well as meals, supplies, housing, resources in villages, medical help and all else that is in need.
The focus of this months blog is to just highlight that we as a church help others, however there are so many things a single person can do in such big ways to support others. We strive to be like Jesus and spread the good word and do the good work. This does not mean we need to go out and every person we come in contact with to just start preaching the words of the bible. What it means is that a word that is spoken that is good; that is the good word. Kind replies, kind smiles, kind gestures. Especially when people are not so kind. We all fight a battle that others can not see. We know nothing of what may have happened in ones past or even 10 minutes ago. The saying of a simple smile may simply save someone else’s life in that moment is very true.
Doing the Lords work essentially means helping others. Helping hold the door, helping a friend through a rough time, picking up someone else’s carelessly discarded trash, listening. By following the Lords laws and living a little more like Jesus we set the example. We as a person and as a people can make a difference. We can do good in his name and his ways. We can be shown the way to lead someone to water and help them find Jesus. We can make a difference in so many ways.
I am teaching my children these simple lessons every day from being helpful, to doing something nice even when other kids or their sibling is not being so nice. Reminding them; is that what Jesus would do. So my challenge to you is to take each day as they come, be grateful for the sunrise and the sunset. Start the day with some note of positivity and watch it spread to others.
May all good things come your way and Bless you in the name of our Lord and Savior!