Power in HIS Blood
Have you ever had moments when you feel his presence flow over you while thinking of him and your life and current struggles, or while singing his praises, or even while even complaining to him of your situation? Today during worship service; I felt his spirit flow over me. This has happened many times; this light lift my heart and my skin feels a tingle. Todays sermon was about the Power in the Blood. It was very fitting. I felt I needed to reiterating Pastor Charlies message, which was not his original planned message.
There is Power in the Blood. Have we forgotten his promise while breaking the bread and drinking the wine in remembrance of him. He died for our sins, to wash us clean white as snow. We are always forgiven with our Atonement for our sins. He has not forgotten us and will not forget us. Our sins are not unforgivable because of his blood. He loves us so much that he gave us this. There is so much sin in the world, and we see it and experience it everyday. This was fortold in the Bible. Dont be discouraged, we have him walking with us, guiding us, loving us and forgiving us.
It is so very simple! Visit with God, ask for forgiveness and mean it. Know our own sins and seek his forgiveness. Do better today than yesterday and grow in him, trust in him, give it to him. Stop Holding back, dont let the enemies in. Sing Holy Holy Holy, Say it is FINISHED, be gone evil in the name of Jesus. I will not let it control me and my home/life. SHOUT it out!!! You are FREE from the Burdens of our sin.
Ive found through time of struggles and frustrations, I have to force myself to stop, give over control of the situation to him. The Bible tells us to lay our burdens at his feet. This does not mean we do nothing and become idle and complacent. It means to turn over the worry and concerns to him. Seek him for help and love. Keep moving forward and ask for his help and guidance. Show us the path he wants us to go. Be still, Stop and just listen and observe. The answers will come, you will see them if you open you eyes, heart and mind. Know that God is so Good, Great, Merciful and Powerful. Still your mind and he will show you.
If you are still struggling, Know he is with you, you are not alone and we fellow Christians are here with you too.
“Open the eyes of my Heart, LORD I want to see You high and lifted up, shinning in the light of Your glory. We sing Holy, Holy, Holy”